Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011

about little discoveries

My recent discovery was this delightful little coffeshop.
Each time I passed by 'Cup&Cake' on my way to a yoga class, it picked my curiosity, as it was always full: something not so typical at 6pm, taking into account the exaggerated amount of bars and cafes in the surroundings.
It's not so surprising anymore, since after trying their insanely delicious freshly-made cupcakes with some nice cocoa sprinkled coffee, I absolutely fell in love with this place.

Find out more about Cup&Cake HERE.

Monday, October 10, 2011


that's when beauty silently takes your breath away.  sweet dreams

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Festa al Cel 2011

some shots from the 20th Anniversary of the Barcelona Air Show 'Fiesta del Cielo'

Watch the Official Video here:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Inspired people. Case 1.

I have been playing with the idea of portraying people at work for quite some time and, indeed, an opportunity comes when you start wishing it.
It is always curious to see a person work (´what-can-be-better-than-seeing-others-work´ jokes aside). I’ll correct myself: it´s interesting to see a professional work, no matter in what field – a good engineer, a chef, hairdresser, dancer, good manager or artist.
I believe one gets really good at something when he can finally allow himself to be creative (naturally, with the exception of accountants and lawyers! Although i’ve seen some cases...). I wanted show to inspired people, and when does someone feel inspired? When they like what they do and even more what is coming out of it. Looking at them, you get an urge to create something of your own, do things right.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bad Table! :)

Thanks for helping me to re-discover Barcelona...

... for the sunrises & sunsets, for the new perspectives, emotions, & smiles, for great ideas, conversations & memories :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I see them once or – with some luck – twice a year. Was happy to see them this summer and show some great places in Spain. I miss you, Mom und Dad…

Saturday, September 3, 2011

One more summer is over and I'm glad I have no reasons to regret it. It was full of new and old friends, new places, new experiences and, naturally, new photographs.
In the next posts I'll try to follow up on some great things that happened in these couple of months.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

stop to feel

Today the stars are raining down
Devoured by the light
We stop to think, we stop to feel
Unable on the run
I breathe with waves
That move ashore, I’m following the rhythm
Breathe in breathe out
Tide in tide out
I’m oozing through the sand

Sunday, May 15, 2011

stream of unconsciousness

Stream of unconsciousness brings me to self.
Accept and embrace, stop and rewind,
Observe: a curious fusion of right and wrong
Tied with delicate strings that are like nerves,
Easy to touch and hard to find.
I leave this unnatural righteous pose behind,
Entangled in veins of remote sanity,
My unconsciousness only sees reflections of shadow and light.
I’ll tingly creep along your skin,
Leaving looks-kisses along the way
You’ll never get ready, you’ll never get better,
Believe it or not, I’m new today.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

part of me

Memory is more that just a mind’s filing system, it molds you all way through, gets reflected in your judgments, reactions, view of the present. How strange it is then to feel someone else’s memory transmitted to you?
… I got 2 ugly plastic bags of old photographs. My grandfather’s photographs in dog-eared partially torn albums, heaps of them in smaller plastic bags, those originally destined for milk. Soon they covered all the floor of the room, hundreds of eyes looking at me, around, at each other, smiling and frowning, filling the room with long-forgotten emotions. So strange it was to recognize the faces even if you've never seen them that way. So strange it was to feel one’s own presence in each of them, so REAL it was, almost as if they evoked my own memories, which just somehow faded in the course of time like images in the straight sunlight. It almost felt like in a second, like in pictures from 'Harry Potter', people will start moving and talking. Some of them showed my family like i’ve never seen them, in others they had the same face expressions I saw with my own eyes an eternity ago. I cried several times out of that overwhelming recognition, out of inability to fathom that these people that look so alive, that are so dear to me are not here anymore.
Throwing old photographs away is a crime. It’s like throwing one’s own memories to trash.

I now think the charm of old photographs is not about the film. It’s in the fact that people back then still didn’t learn how to pose and wear picture-time smiles. Those smiles were real.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pirineo Catalan

Vall de Boi y el Parque Nacional de Aguas Tortas